Wednesday, July 18, 2007

How Fast Can You Run with Three Suitcases?

The time change between England and South Africa is only one hour. But the shortest layover that I had was in Joberg. Two hours until my next flight. That should have been enough, but, our flight departed England one hour late, and I found out just before landing that even though I had been told that my bags were checked all the way to Durban, they were not.

Customs have to be cleared in Joberg. First there is the long line to speak to an agent. Then comes the wait for the suitcases. No need to crowd to the front of the line, because bags entered the carousel so slowly that I am sure the fellow loading them was walking back and forth to the plane for each bag. I am being honest when I say that by the time my bags were unloaded, there were only three other people standing there waiting for their suitcases. Anxiously, I threw my bags onto a cart and careened down the hall toward customs, knowing that if they decided to search my bags I would miss my next flight. As I approached I could see there was no line, everyone was already through. The customs fellow saw me coming and held out his hand. As I slowed, he said just hand me your form. It was almost a shuttle pass and I was out the door looking into a busy and crowded airport. Three bags and 28 minutes until departure and I was in the international wing and needed to get all the way to the national departures wing. I was determined to make it. The last thing I wanted to do was to sit in another airport for the next available flight!

I asked a porter for directions. The reply was complicated. He offered to show me the way and I thankfully said yes. As we were walking I explained the details of my next flight. He said we might make it if we really hurry. Hurry meant run. So I had an early morning run while he lengthened his already really long stride. He delivered me right to the agent, interrupted a line of people to get me through and kept yakking at the agent until the fellow was willing to let me have a boarding ticket. All in all he was a miracle worker and I gave him a great tip! Some things are just meant to be! And I was meant to get to Durban on time! And I did!


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