Saturday, March 26, 2005


Yes it's true, I am addicted. One day I realized that I needed it. I don't know when the addiction started, but it is true, I am addicted. Addicted to learning and change and being able to create something.

Right now there is a gap in my inner creative charge. I am still learning, working, playing the harp, hardly quilting, not doing stained glass, hardly running and exercising and most definitely still yearning to learn something new and exciting.

There is a special adrenaline rush that comes with learning and doing. It is exciting. It is stimulating. It is addictive. And I am craving that burst of excitement.
Going back to doing what I already know how to do will require a change of attitude to make it continue to be special.

Any ideas? I know, I know, you will probably say something about counting your blessings. But, I do that, regulary. So many blessing and they keep coming every day. And for that I am greatful.

Maybe it is about chi. Chi, chi and more chi. So much chi that it becomes bad chi. Just plain too much chi. I think I will spend this week cleaning and organizing, and throwing out stuff. I have a need to create more breathing room, more space, more room for energy to flow through.

Let's see if the current of energy flows more freely with less stuff in my space.
