Morning Meditation
The city is quiet, majestic, and gently warms to the first rays of light. Slowly the deepest blue of night fades into the shadows of alleys and corners as the eastern light of morning spreads a pallette of colour across the sleeping city.
I breathe deep and use the calm of morning to shape my thoughts.
Rituals create a significance to my actions. Candles, a prayer mat, flowers and a hand-carved Buddha are part of my meditation experience. These are the tools I use to transend.
My prayer mat is an African print. Each corner holds an abstract representation. To me they represent the four elements of the Universe: Earth, Air, Fire and Water. The mat is a gift from my daughter that reminds me of the abundance of life. I give thanks.
The two candles are a representation of the yin and the yang. The male and the female. The balance of Goddess and God, strength within and throughout in balance and harmony. I give thanks.
The flower is a reminder that Life is my Soulmate. An expression gifted to me by my daughter on a hand-painted cookie jar. It is the Kalos Kai Agothos (Greek), the singular balance of the good and the beautiful. I give thanks.
The Buddha is a hand-carved Buddha that I bought in South Africa and packed all the way home. It is a reminder of the journey of life, and that I can take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. I give thanks.
I settle gently on my mat and begin to Give Thanks. Blessings in my life are numerous and I love having the quiet opportunity to reflect.
Giving Thanks always leads to Blessing Others. To each I send my love and the gift of happiness, joy and laughter.
With gratitude and blessings as the start to my ritual, my mind is easier to quiet. The process to transcend begins in earnest with my mantra, my breath, and my willingness to connect with the ethos.